ILW Web server is a standalone device, that uses GPRS connectivity to transmit data from various filed instruments directly to the Internet without a PC.
The traditional 4-20mA -> Data logger -> PC, type of data logging is fast becoming obsolete. Also in a 24 x7 monitoring situation, maintenance of a local PC is demanding and costly. Downtime due to Viruses, poor maintenance and some times non availability of standby PCs, and skilled operator will result in loss of data.
Traditional data loggers needs expensive infrastructure investments and maintenance for long distance transmission and display of data. This complexity increases further if multipoint display and analysis of data is required.
Frehnig ILW Server 2080 does not require a local PC. All data collected at a particular station is transmitted directly to internet, where it will be collected by a www server and stored. This www server is maintained by professional service providers with multiple backups and an uptime of typically 99%.
Since all the collected data is put on the web site with password protection, the data can be viewed from anywhere in the world (wherever internet connectivity is available) .With the advent of smartphones/tablets, it makes more sense to have online data of the process plant
Internet Connectivity is obtained using a GPRS communicator and a GPRS Sim card provided by several Cell Phone Service providers.
A website with preloaded software enables immediate logging of data in the website without much hassles. Data can be stored in SQL Database.
A graphics LCD enables programming of the ILW server settings for DAQ, GPRS,MODBUS etc.