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Differential Pressure Transmitter

Frehnig DP Transmitter

PH Meter

PH Sensor

FREHNIG Differential pressure transmitter is a versatile instrument which is employed where measurement and display of High/Low pressures and the differential pressure is needed simultaneously. The FDP 2021 transmitter uses two channels to measure the signals from two individual pressure transmitters and provide the outputs of P1/P2 & DP. The transmitter incorporates an extreme high resolution/high speed measurement system, which is very relevant, because it make it possible to use high pressure sensors to measure at 1/4 of Full scale without loss ofresolution. Due to this the sensors can be safely guarded from over-pressure ranges and life of sensors increase multifold. The 4-20 mA outputs are again of high resolution and can be scaled digitally. The 485-communication is done over MODBUS protocol for easy implementation of DAQ Default Sensors are Stainless steel piezo type.But other type sensors can also be used.
Measurement/Display of 3 values.. High/low/Delta-P | Specially designed for online monitoring applications | Extreme High Resolution Measurement | RS-485 Modbus
Accuracy0.1 %
Sensor Input4.20mA - 2 Nos
Sensor ExcitationFrom Transmitter
Display2 Line Alphanumeric
Resolution000.00 bar
Analog Output4-20mA
Communication OutputRs- 485
Power supply220V AC 50 Hz
EnclosureWall amount

FREHNIG Analytical Series Instruments - Differential Pressure



For Enquiry

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